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  • USA
  • Tripper Clancy
  • A mild-mannered Uber driver named Stu picks up a grizzled detective who is hot on the trail of a sadistic, bloodthirsty terrorist and finds himself thrust into a harrowing ordeal where he has to keep his wits, himself unharmed, and work with his passenger while maintaining his high-class rating
  • Tomatometers - 6,4 of 10
  • Rating - 31804 votes
  • 93Minutes

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Stubborn definition. Stuberi pubg. Latest Articles Movie Details Spider-Man: Far from Home Crushes Stuber & Crawl in 2nd Weekend with $45. 3M Jul 14, 2019 Sony and Marvel Studios have another hit on their hands with Spider-Man: Far from Home taking the number one spot again. Can Spider-Man Hold Off Stuber & Crawl at the Weekend Box Office? Ryan Scott Jul 10, 2019 20th Century Fox is releasing Stuber while Paramount is unleashing Crawl at the box office this weekend. Stuber Arrives as Disney's First R-Rated Movie in Almost 6 Years Ryan Scott Jul 10, 2019 This weekend's action/comedy Stuber, starring Dave Bautista and Kumail Nanjianai, is something of a big moment for Disney. Stuber Review #2: Dave Bautista & Kumail Nanjiani Deliver Big Laughs Julian Roman Jul 3, 2019 A twist on the buddy cop genre, Stuber will have audiences rolling in the aisles. Stuber Red Band Trailer Goes Wild in the Streets with Bautista & Nanjiani Kevin Burwick Jun 8, 2019 Dave Bautista and Kumail Nanjiani are on one hell of a journey in the latest look at their buddy cop movie Stuber. International Stuber Trailer Teams Dave Bautista & Kumail Nanjiani for Big Laughs Ryan Scott May 21, 2019 20th Century Fox has released a new international trailer for the buddy cop action/comedy Stuber. Stuber Trailer Takes Dave Bautista & Kumail Nanjiani on a Wild Ride B. Alan Orange Apr 8, 2019 A cop takes an Uber driver on a ride he'll never forget in the upcoming 20th Century Fox comedy Stuber, which arrives in theaters this summer. Stuber SXSW Review: The Unlikely Buddy Cop Action Comedy We Deserve Ryan Scott Mar 14, 2019 Kumail Nanjiani and Dave Bautista form the most lovable, unlikely duo of the year in Stuber. Stuber First Look Teams Dave Bautista & Kumail Nanjiani Ryan Scott Mar 7, 2019 20th Century Fox has revealed the first look at their upcoming action/comedy Stuber, starring Dave Bautista and Kumail Nanjiani.

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Stuber meaning. Stuber elementary. Stuber rating. Stuber full movie in hindi. Stuber movie. Stuber funny moments. Movies | ‘Stuber’ Review: There’s an App for That (Riding With the Law) Hampered by eye surgery but in pursuit of a killer, Dave Bautista’s detective finds a partner in Kumail Nanjiani’s driver. Credit... Mark Hill/20th Century Fox Stuber Directed by Michael Dowse Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller R 1h 33m Every so often, a movie opens that you’re sure you and some friends plotted out on a bar napkin once upon a late night. You know that bigger-than-life picture: It’s the movie-I’ll-never-make fantasy, the get-rich-flick scheme that you are positive someone with money will eventually produce. Because someone with money is always making a movie like “Stuber, ” an entertainment that is at once knowingly derivative (it’s like “ Lethal Weapon ”! ) and somehow just different enough (with ride sharing! ). A breezily violent two-hander and a dubious feature-length commercial for Uber, “Stuber” is about two guys who meet cute, kill people and bond. It’s one of those dumb movies that are so gleeful about their own idiocy that taking it seriously may seem pointless, which is always a good reason to take a movie seriously. “Stuber” is certainly worth a thought or two for how it fits into the tradition of buddy action movies, those bromances with bullets that include “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, ” “48 Hrs., ” “Bad Boys, ” “Rush Hour, ” “21 Jump Street” and so forth, ad infinitum. While this subgenre has slightly changed over time — with somewhat diversified casting, as here — the focus on the preservation (veneration) of heterosexual male intimacy remains constant. That’s the case in “Stuber, ” which centers on Stu (Kumail Nanjiani), a sweetly beleaguered Los Angeles Uber driver with an aspirational “ FIVESTAR ” vanity plate. One day, he picks up Vic (Dave Bautista), a police detective who, on the same day that he’s had eye surgery, gets a tip on a killer (Iko Uwais). Since Vic can’t drive, he summons an Uber, thus initiating the latest high-concept duet. Written by Tripper Clancy and directed by Michael Dowse, “Stuber” squeaks by on the charm of its two male stars, who handle the nonsense capably. Bautista steam-rolls through both the frame and the dialogue, but he’s a natural, magnetic physical presence — a nimble hulk — and fun to watch. He’s comfortable sharing the screen with, and being routinely upstaged by, Nanjiani, who’s more adept at making the cheap goods feel less insultingly formulaic. With sidelong looks, leaping eyebrows and unpredictable line readings that invariably personalize the material (he’s as breathy as Marilyn Monroe), Nanjiani transforms a cliché into something resembling a person. The story is as ridiculous as the setup and largely involves Vic and Stu learning how to care and share while chasing down the killer as their strained meet-cute mellows into a full-blown homosocial love-in. Amid the gunfire, spilled blood and cutesy macho posturing there are predictable turns, adorable pups, ethnic stereotypes and a few class-conscious touches (Vic’s apartment, Stu’s main gig). Also notable are the various women who embody challenges that the men must surmount together: Stu’s often-teasing, cruelly elusive crush (Betty Gilpin); Vic’s warmly loving artist daughter (the appealing Natalie Morales); and Vic’s hard-charging boss (Mira Sorvino). There’s another woman in the mix, too, a murdered cop (Karen Gillan), who dies soon after “Stuber” opens. She isn’t around long enough to really register, but her end is ugly, repellent in its unthinking lack of gravity and in its narrative functionality. The death jolts the movie, giving it instantly recognizable stakes; more specifically, it gives Vic something interesting, a tragedy that becomes his principal purpose. In death, she enriches his life, and that’s what makes her a character. Just as important, the dead cop — like every other significant woman in “Stuber” — serves as a test for our two heroes, a hurdle they must clear in order to find themselves, or, rather, each other. Stuber Rated R for extreme gun violence and the usual bloody action-movie violence. Running time: 1 hour 33 minutes.

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